I’m a completely different person because of Be Bold.

I hired Jessica bc I was looking for accountability and how to structure my day as an entrepreneur because I felt so lost as a new business owner. I got exactly what I wanted and so much more. Be Bold was everything I didn’t even know I needed.

I was paralyzed by fears like appearing to be inauthentic in my marketing, not having enough credibility for people to take me seriously and I felt like I wasn’t good enough to make it. I thought there was no way I could stand out in my field. I was a mess.

I had a list of dreams, goals and things I wanted to with my business had no idea how to get there. I was 100% getting in my own way.

Things are completely different now. Jessica will teach you how to position yourself as an expert, know & believe in your value, approach sales with confidence and give up your self-limiting beliefs. Jessica truly excels in mindset work and over delivers in every way.

People now approach me offline asking for help because I built a foundation of credibility by consistently showing up. I’ve spoken on stages and I’m now EXCITED to share what I know rather than terrified.

My old fears and doubt are irrelevant now. I had a transformation and inner shift that has me now running a business that is 100% in alignment with who I am and who I want to be. I’m free now.

I followed through on every single thing I set out to do before the program started I literally Jessica takes the time to get to know us a person and figure out what we need the most week to week. Whether that means to take an action or if she sensed I needed to focus on my health or go have some fun bc. She makes sure we were healthy and functioning and grinding all the time.

She makes a point to coach the whole person, not just our business. I no longer compare myself to others in my field and am focused on providing value to my audience. My schedule is full of things that I’m excited about.

Being a part of Be Bold made me feel not alone in this journey. alone. It was fun! It didn’t feel like work and I loved meeting new friends.

I don’t know how many other coaches take their people to the beach and have dinner at the end of a program and celebrate you as much as Jessica did. It was a celebration.She leads by example. We had fun as a group, she made it not even feel like work.

I cannot believe everything on my vision board came true. I literally wrote and carried out my future in this group. 



My business is now consistently growing and I increased my sales each month during the program. I’m more aware of when I get in the negative mindset and how to stop sabotaging myself and how to continue moving forward. My numerical goals are a reality now. I no longer feel like this dream for someone else. Now I know that it’s going to be me and I’m taking the steps I learned in the mastermind to make it happen. I’m way more confident and excited about my business because I’m actually seeing success. I hit one new rank in my company during the program and am heading towards hitting more ranks. I’m no longer afraid to ask for the sale. One of the most impactful things I learned in the program was managing my mindset around sales. This has led to a lot more money for me.

I was doing some social media but not consistently. I wasn’t following up with people so I was missing out on business. I was half-assing it on social media and didn’t even notice it until Jessica pointed out what it could be like and the results I could be getting in my business. I felt like I was stuck. I was trying to make strides forward and didn’t realize how much I was stuck in my own head that was keeping me from moving forward. Logically, I knew I could be successful but the truth is, I didn’t feel confident in myself and my abilities to reach your business goals. I was letting life stop me and I wasn’t as focused on my business as I needed or wanted to be.Jessica is no BS and at the same time caring and loving. She cares about her clients and their successes and what is going on in our lives. She makes it very clear what is needed to be done in order to get the result we want. She helped me and the others find a clear path. Don’t let the fear of “what if” and your hang ups with finances stop you from signing up for coaching. It’s truly about growing as a person. You won’t ever make the money you want to make unless you overcome your personal obstacles and that is what we did in this group.


What was going on in your life/business before the mastermind:

Before the mastermind, I felt discombobulated and pulled in a million different directions. I wanted to be taken seriously as an entrepreneur but was afraid of being judged and not liked. I was a watered down version of myself online. I was losing out on a lot of business because I was an online marketing strategist who was not marketing herself. I was afraid of being fully seen and was hiding.

Now, whenever I go to market myself and my business online, I still experience doubt occasionally but now know how to work through it and move forward anyway.. I realized that my message and my work is more important than my doubts and fears. Through getting coached by Jessica, I’ve learned how to better serve my own clients by helping them work through their fears and doubts too.

The group support was awesome. When ever I was feeling down, I had multiple people validate how I was feeling and lifting me up as well. It was like having a cheer squad. The content was always crafted specifically for the group and for what Jessica saw that we needed. It always felt right.

Jessica is matter of fact and straight forward coach AND I always felt the love from her too. Don’t work with Jessica unless you are really ready to get results and commit. When you commit you can’t help but get results.


I feel like I am finally living my potential (or getting really close to it) I feel like I am doing what God intended for me to do- every day. Over my time working with Jessica, I have so much more CLARITY as to what I want to be doing and for the vision I have for my life! I am no longer treating my coaching business as a hobby, I am treating it like a true business – the way it deserves to be treated. I am making coaching my priority every single day and although I have other side gigs now, they always come second to coaching. My business has grown in big ways: my income has grown about 25% in 2 months, my social media following has grown 25%, more of my own team is now working, too. I wake up every morning and live each day the way that I want to live it…and don’t worry about what I “should” be doing according to the rest of the world. I’m spending more time with my friends and family. I’m living my life without waiting for things to be a certain way. My money mindset has changed. I am truly working towards my vision EVERY DAY while also realizing how grateful I am to be living my vision already. I believe 100000% in my ability to achieve my goals and am living each day as if they are already happening…because they are. I have stayed accountable to the simple things that really matter in my business: my social media presence, my email list, etc., whereas in the past, I would give up on these things after a few weeks of work. I AM BEING MYSELF 100% in all areas of my life and I can honestly say that in my almost 37 years, this is the first time I have felt this way. I would strongly encourage anyone – especially any person who knows they are meant for greatness – to work with Jessica. Jessica will help you clarify exactly what it is that you want for your life, exactly who you are, and show you how to share that with the rest of the world.


I was able to convert more calls in the first 2 months working with Jessica than I had in the previous 6 months! Before Be Bold, I always felt like a used car salesman, super sleazy and really weird when it came to saying my prices to my prospective clients. I was able to shift my mindset around sales calls with the intention of educating and empowering my (now) clients to decide what is best for them – this has been a game changer.
Before Be Bold I believed that what I had to say didn’t matter and that I wasn’t credible enough to give any value. I thought that because my industry is saturated, nobody would pay attention because my content wasn’t good enough. Through Be Bold I became more confident in my message and the people I want to reach, and as a result I was invited onto a couple of podcasts and cited as a source for a couple of popular blog articles.
While there was a lot in common between what we were all struggling with as a group, Jessica was able to pinpoint exactly what I needed to work on for myself in order to get the most out of the program. She has the ability to to zoom in on the one thing that seems to be holding someone back, get them past it, so everything else can open up. Call it intuition, maybe? It’s very impressive and an amazing quality she has.
I have done a few group coaching programs and they never felt like that – it was all about the implementation of the systems that they were teaching. Of course implementation is important, and I did a lot of it, but I think the mindset work that I did with Jessica was way more important for me and what I needed at the time.
I love being in a group program! It helps me stay accountable – “If she can do it, I can do it!” Having the weekly coaching calls also helped me schedule my week so that any homework I needed to do would get done and I could have something to contribute or get feedback on.Growing with the group also gave me some of the social connection that I think I was missing. Being in Be Bold together with awesome women going after their life goals just raised my vibes even more! And I know that these women will be close to me for a long time.
I am way more comfortable standing in my power and positioning myself as an expert and authority in my field without feeling weird, overly aggressive, or icky about it. I own my business with my boyfriend, and we have our business brand, and our personal brands. I felt like my personal brand had to be a certain way or match exactly with my boyfriend’s personal brand, but through working with Jessica I found that I could still remain within our business brand while being myself. This was huge and lifted so much weight off my shoulders because I felt like I didn’t own my business and it wasn’t really a part of me.Jessica is personable, compassionate and will give you a swift kick in the butt with some tough love when needed.


I was a little anxious at first because I was listening to that old story in my head of “I’m too old, it’s too late in life, I should be spending the money on other things like the house or bills.
I didn’t feel like I had what it takes to build my own business. I was always waiting for life to slow down or when it would be the “right time” for things to happen which means never taking action because life doesn’t work that way. I kept doing the same things over and over expecting a different result which we all know is the definition of insanity.
In the 6 months I worked with Jessica, my paycheck in my business increased by 25% on average from the previous 6 months.
The group was awesome, I felt supported and safe. I was able to gain knowledge from my fellow group members and now they are not only my colleagues, they are also life long friends.
I am saying “no” to things that do not serve me or my business. This is a huge shift for me to have boundaries in place. I am not trading hours for dollars but rather maximizing the time that I do have which will ultimately make me more money.
Jessica is supportive and motivating. She nudged me out of my comfort zone and guided me with insightful questions that would help me find the right direction when I would get overwhelmed or hit a rut. I feel like I have the tools to do the work I need to do to continue to grow my business. Her coaching has also given me more confidence in my business and I am owning my skills and expertise.
Now I know I’m still young, it’s now or never and I deserve to have what I want. Also, I didn’t “spend” money, I invested in myself and my dreams.


Before the mastermind, nothing was going on in my life and business. I put aside creating my dream business because I didn’t believe in myself and my abilities to follow through. I had no guidelines or focus. I was swimming in the same spot and not going anywhere. I was not focused on building my brand/business (which is what I really wanted) because I didn’t’ believe it was possible. My self-esteem was low because I felt like nothing I ever accomplished meant anything to anyone. I was doing all different things trying to find things where I could earn money. After the mastermind, I am crystal clear on what my purpose and business is and am VERY confident I will succeed. It’s no longer, “can I do this?”. I am now doing it. My moments of doubt are basically none as I am now sure of who I am and what I’m meant to be doing. I’ve branded myself and created a business. I’m finishing my book ( that I had been putting off) and getting ready to launch live workshops and webinars. I’m inspiring people to live their best lives.
If you are entrepreneur or interested in being one and you want a clear guide on what to do, work with Jessica. She uncovered my most powerful self and helped me to discover and take action on my “why”. Jessica has a gift for digging deep and got to the bottom of what I want and needed very quickly and got me into action around it. She doesn’t hold your hand, but guides you to come up with your own answers. She is very down to earth, personable and open to sharing her failures and successes in order to push you along. She gives everything she has and is very easy to work with. She explains things in a way that is never overwhelming and I was always clear on exactly what I needed to do. She encouraged me to jump on it and go for it. The old me is a memory that I don’t like to revisit.


1)What was going on in your life/business before working with me?
A lot of my life was very uncertain before the mastermind. My path and goals were uncertain. I had no structure and no balance which made my life and work feel very chaotic. I was working 7 days a week and couldn’t say no to anyone. I felt out of control and had anxiety about where I was going and how I was going to grow my business. Every area of my life was suffering. I especially had a hard time finding balance between my family life and my work life.

Now, I’m in more control of my life and business than I’ve ever been.
I have expanded my business and I’m making more money while working less. I have more time with my children and am CERTAIN of who I am. I have clear boundaries in my life that support my business and life goals. I’m no longer afraid to say “no” to things that don’t bring my joy. Life has more balance and meaning now. I am clear on my goals and where I am going. I no longer feel burnt out.

If I it wasn’t for Jessica, I wouldn’t have gotten to this point. I’m not a naturally structured person but structure was exactly what I needed and coaching gave me that. She held me accountable in a way I wouldn’t have done myself. Everything became more doeable for me when she held me accountable. I never felt pushed, but she was the voice of reason that pushed me to my full potential. She is fun, a woman of her word, walks her talk, and she knows her shit. If you are thinking about doing coaching, go for it, it will change your life.

The mastermind was great. I realized I wasn’t alone in what I was feeling in this entrepreneurial journey. We were all going through the same stuff. It didn’t matter what experience/education level we were at, we were all dealing with the same things which made feel really supported. 


A big part of entrepreneurship that no one likes to talk about is the emotional struggles it brings. The comparison, the “am I good enough to do this?” The giving up on yourself too soon because you think you aren’t moving at the same pace as everyone else. The sometimes crippling self-doubt and fear. Jessica does not shy away the emotional part of entrepreneurship and helps support you through it which is something I was missing. It was a missing piece that was absolutely paralyzing me in my business. She gives it to you straight and is 100% honest about what it takes to make it in this. I had spent the previous year working with a wonderful business strategist who had taught me many things and had motivated me to write my first book. Once the book was published and it was time to do more, I froze. Everything came to a screeching halt. I was paralyzed with fear and not sure what to do. Jessica was able to give me the missing pieces to help me realize I could keep going and preserve. In this program, I got so much more clarity in what I actually wanted to be doing. I had been dragging my heels on creating a group program and have now finally created it and getting ready to launch. In our work together, we really refined my business and I got so much more clarity than what I had before. I feel so much more confident now moving forward because I am clear. Jessica was always great in giving clear encouragement on the things I needed to be doing to build my business. She always acknowledged my feelings of fear and still held me accountable to what I needed to be doing. She is very real in her own journey which was so helpful to me. She’s down to earth, easy to work with and has a great sense of humor.